I got my first half of this weeks episode up and going-- condensing one and a half hours to about 8 minutes. This time around I figured to step right into the project and did the rolls off camera, and include some explanation in some commentary speeding up what footage there is (I cut some out to shorten the video. I rolled and got Quality, Transportation, optional to have color (in other words black and white), only one genera-- that was school life with 3 hours of minimal work. Only thing that cam to mind was a bus. I brainstormed what is specific to a bus and I also thought of some things to get the rolls to be more specific-- to be added to the page later. I still have half the time left and will not be surprised if I go over the time. The reason why the second part is not up yet is because of only about 30 minuets of sleep last night and I just had to take a nap (say 4-5 hours, I don't recall specifically how long). Anyways if everything goes to plan the second part will be up before 8 pm (american Mountain time).
Things I can do better:
Commentary-- will come in time. My brain-damage slows me down.
The rolls can be updated-- Maximum time, What kind of transportation, and I'm confident there are more.
SLEEP-- I really need to get some more sleep. Working on things are good for progress, but not getting enough sleep is going to hinder it. It has already hindered today, by delaying the second part to a day specific episode with Monday in it's name.
Thank you for reading!!! Just needed to wake-up to continue this and get some thoughts out of my head.
You can watch the videos in my YouTube channel. The link is up to the right!!
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